i am so grateful for the joy this blog has brought me. capturing nature's most amazing creations has given me countless, beaming smiles. peeking into the busy and beautiful days of sydney's florists has been wonderfully exhilarating. without a doubt though, the highlight so far for me is getting to know the talented and inspiring people behind the industry. back in february this year, i featured paula and tammy from b&b roses. i was graciously received and given the tour of the rose farm. i also got to see tammy's amazing home that day. an artful space that needs to be photographed! several months later the perfect opportunity came up and i was lucky enough to photograph tammy again, this time for the flower issue of 'the quintessential magazine'. also on the same issue are masterful florals from aleksandra, matt from the floral craftsman and myra from my violet- three of the loveliest and gifted florists i had the privilege of meeting through the blog. check it all out on- thequintessentialmagazine.com.au
tammy and her display cabinet as seen on 'the quintessential magazine'